Before Ordering This key, Please make sure that the vehicle is still under the XL7 system and using the 315 MHZ system.
1- Remove the trunk floor trim panel and locate the SPID label.
2- Locate RPO – XL7 OR XL8 on the label. Dealers must write XL8 over XL7 If they did the repair.
- Original OEM Refurbished
- FCC ID: LXP-T003
- IC: 2298A-T003
- Frequency: 315 Mhz
- Battery: CR2032
- Buttons: Lock Unlock, Trunk, Panic
- Aftermarket Flip Blade Included
- Test Key: HU100
- PN: 13588756
Refurbished OEM = A Used OEM Key which has been remanufactured for Re-Use, All Refurbished keys have original Electronics and are Ready for programming, Refurbished Keys could have a new aftermarket case/shell if original condition did not meet quality standards, Refurbished keys will also have a new uncut aftermarket blade when needed
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